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Month: August 2017

School is About to Start Again :(

This morning as I was brushing my teeth a terrible thought hit me:  School was about to start again.  What happened to the summer vacation? 

Kids Need Your Undivided Attention!

Yes, life is busy.  Most of us feel we need to multitask just to survive.  I watched a father the other day spend some “quality

The Best Week of My Life!

The best part of the vacation last week was the two days of camping.  Mom and Dad slept in the camping trainer with Becky and

Is your child teaching you something?

Your child is capable of coming up with surprising insight.  Be listening, because your child is likely going to be teaching you a thing or

Going Camping!

We leave later today to drive to the farm for a week of vacation.  I have been looking forward to this. No mowing or pulling